The Danish government has passed a lot of emergency laws as result of the pandemic rooted somewhere in China. Covid-19 has changed the way we live. Hopefully some changes remain over time like stop of mass tourism and exchange students placed without protection at abuse host families which has been too common.
But also internally in Denmark we have been how democracy slowly is undermined by actions by our government and later legallized blaming the pandemic. Millions of Minks were culled without any laws giving the Danish government the right to order it at the time when the Prime Minister went on Television and annouced that it would take place. Only many months later they made this mass murder legal.
The police have made illegal arrests. A woman was charged with sharing a photo critical of the government on a Facebook page which had already been published in both print and on the websites of several newspapers. The journalists who published the original articles were not charged and later the charge against the woman was dropped because the police discovered that the arrest and the charges were against Danish laws.
Now even the foundation of our constitution is under attack. A boarding school in Haslev - Sydøstsjællands Idrætsefterskole - expelled a student because he during a holiday where he was not attending the school - participated in a protest against the Danish government.
In Denmark the protests are organized by a citizen movement called "Men in Black". Many small businesses have seen their existance under pressure. Large supermarkets which were allowed to remain open - increased their actitives to selling both clothes, televisions, gardening tools and washing machines, which meant that the small businesses never will be able to make up for all their losses.
So a lot of people protest the Danish government. It is very close to the truth to state that no other country has been affected so costly as Denmark by the pandemic. While not that many people have died as result of the virus almost everyone will face the prospects of a future involving bankruptcy, foreclosing and personal ruin.
That is why it is important to protect the freedom of speech which means that people should be able to protest the Covid-19 lockdowns and make the surrounding world aware that Denmark might not be able to kick the entire European Union into gear as it was planned that Denmark took upon as a burden after the United Kingdom left the Union.
By expelling a student for exercising his constitional right, Sydøstsjællands Idrætsefterskole sends the signal that democracy does not matter. What a powerful message to teach the students! The Danish nation is shocked. Everything is lost!
At the present point in time it really does not matter if we as a nation survive the pandemic. Everything we believed we had in our country seems lost for the future generations to come.
Sources:- Anton deltog i Men In Black-demonstration: Så blev han smidt ud af sin efterskole (BT - in Danish language)
- Danish minister: ‘We will not pay more’ to EU after Brexit (The Local - DK)
- Føtex bruger coronalukket butiks facader til at udstille varer: "Det er uartigt" (TV2 Lorry - in Danish language